David Graeber (1961–2020) was an American anthropologist and anarchist activist, who left us with new ways to understand humankind. Josh Reno and I edited this collection of new writing, to bring together Graeber’s insights into one book, showing how deeply his work continues to influence us and other scholars today. We are glad to see this collection published under the Society, Anthropology and Culture Series of Pluto Press.

The focus of our volume is Graeber’s influence on the intellectual work of the contributors, and the influence he may yet have in an anthropology and activism yet to come. But this volume is not intended as a hagiography, biographical account or a memorialization of David the man. Rather, it is an active engagement with Graeber’s intellectual legacy, not as celebration, but as conversation.

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A fundamental contribution, containing precious insights into what made David Graeber the most innovative social thinker of our time, and why the legacy of his ideas will continue to inspire projects of emancipation, for generations to come.

David Wengrow, Professor of Comparative Archaeology, University College London, and co-author of ‘The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity’

In this stimulating collection of ‘slow cooked’ essays, the editors reflect on the enduring enchantment of David Graeber’s ideas. They remind us that there is always hope in today’s troubled world and that the activist pursuit of hope can be fun as well as rewarding.

Chris Gregory, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Australian National University

A simultaneously rigorous and personal tribute to a giant in public anthropology and activism … destined to serve as an invitation to further conversation, action, and friendship.

Hirokazu Miyazaki, Northwestern University